Google Promised that its Android One series will receive updates up to 2years which will complete this September but.. Google somehow missed to update Android Ones to Nougat and everyone was quite angry. But, Who cares anymore when you have Cyanogenmod or CM14 coming to your way with Android Nougat to you, though unofficially but with more flexibility!
So, This being a CM14 preview, some things are ought to be broken, well those are Video recording/playback, and cellular data connectivity. As time permits, The dev is working to fix these issues. Varun Chitre, developer of the ROM says:-
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Important thing to note, as with any other ROM the data is enabled by default but enabling data causing an internal crash leading to a very laggy UI. So the first thing you must do when you install this is disable data and reboot the phone.
Well.. We will soon bring our in-depth review of CM14 Preview 1 and the installation procedure with 1-2weeks so stay tuned with us! Also, let us know in the comment sections below how you feel!