
4 Reasons Why Pen-Drives are still a thing amongst Teenagers

Pen-drives are universally useful and that too for multiple purposes. The craze for it was massive when it was first introduced in the market and it has not looked back since then. It made the practices of the digital word a lot easier for people and almost everyone used them for various purposes. There are multiple benefits entailed with pen drives which will include ease of use, extended warranties, affordable price ranges, endless discounts and rebates and more. These qualities have made pen drives have made pen drives really popular not only teenagers but also the younger ones.

Cloud computing is surely the centre of attention, but pen drives have never taken off the ground. They are still very much popular and even school campuses are allowing pen drives nowadays. The new and inventive features of pen drives are responsible for enhancing the demand for pen drives even more. They are now available with much smarter qualities, and features and files of any and every size can be transferred nowadays. It has made transferring and storing files easier than ever before and teenagers have thus chosen it as a significant tool for their personal as well as professional projects. Demonstrated below are some of the most constructive reasons while pen drives are still popular among teenagers or Gen X.

  •  A highly affordable option

The first and foremost reason why pen drives are so popular among kids is that they are one of the most pocket-friendly options these days. If you are looking forward to buying a hard disk or something, it will cost you much more. But when you are buying a pen drive, it will not cost that much. Even the ones with high storage capacity are available in quite a cut-rate price nowadays. Nowadays, the reputed hardware brands are providing great offers on pen drives that even include the buy one and get one free scheme.

  •  Size and portability as a huge advantage

So the young generation is far from just storing work files and carrying them from school to home and vice versa. They need that precious piece of pen drive nearly everywhere and indeed they are quite easy to carry. If you check out the models available today, they are quite light, compact and small in size. However, that does not mean that you will not be able to use them roughly. The models are quite robust and there are least to zero chances of damage. Some does not even require the cap to be put back on every time you use it.

  • High storage capacities

Pen drives are like these tiny little tools capable of holding a large amount of data. There were limitations to the storing capacity when the concept of pen drivewas new in the market, but they have advanced by leaps and bounds. You do not even require a huge hard drive or to sit and sync files in Google drive these days. You can simply plug it in and transfer the files and any and every type of files. With the rolling of time, the transfer speeds have also exceeded quite a bit surpassing expectations. Today’s pen drives are even capable of storing up to 1 TB data which is quite impressive and you can rest assured that they are absolutely safe there.

  • High compatibility

In today’s time, only a few desktops and laptops have the CD drive or floppy drive systemwhile the others are equipped with the USB port system. Henceforth, if you have a DVD or CD and are working on a new device, there are chances that you might find it challenging to transfer data. But this is so not the case when you use a pen driveand this is a significant reason why the younger population chooses to use it. These days there are pen drives available that can directly be plugged into phones and you can directly transfer your files from there, what can be easier and simpler. Today’s generation likes it all fast and easy and pen drives serve them exactly in the same way.

The young generation is significantly taking advantage of these easy to use, affordable, smart devices and almost treats them like their lifetime treasures. Starting from movies, text files, audio files to any type of light to heavy files, can be stored in the pen drives. In addition to that, there are new and better models of pen drives emerging in the market nowadays and are they are equipped with many smart features. The designs are also quite attractive and fancy and teens even have the option to use them in schools.

Many educational institutions are allowed and encouraging the use of pen drives in classrooms and this is only benefitting the process of knowledge impartation. Check out the revolutionary pen drives that have literally changed the way files get transferred for good. If you are planning to buy one anytime soon, you will have plenty of options on your plate, just make sure you do an adequate amount of research and only settle for the one that best suits you.

Judhajeet Das

Tech Passionate and Heavy Geek! Into Blogging world since 2014 and never looked back since then :) I am also a YouTube Video Producer and Co-own InMyPlanet Networks. Co-Founder, Tekh Decoded.

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