There seems to be recurring popularity of the nail art trend from eight years ago, as TikTok revives the intricate fashion statement on your cuticles. Nail business owners should capitalize on the trend by developing sound campaign materials, such as editorials. Editorials are often challenging for artists and designers to accomplish. When fashion magazines took a hit during the pandemic, the industry found it difficult to bounce back. Fortunately, technology led to advancements in advertising that can be used to adapt concepts in editorials for successful digital campaigns today.
Some entrepreneurs may be hesitant to make the transition from analog to digital, mainly due to the cost it will entail. If you want to pursue a digital campaign on a budget, there are pay-per-click (PPC) services that you can consider to make sure that your hard work on building an advertisement is worth the money. These tend to target the right consumer online, ensuring that the customer you are aiming to reach will view your advertisement.
Since effective editorials or video digital campaigns are difficult to prepare, even more so on a budget, here are some important aspects that must be included to optimize its impact on those who come across it:
1. It Highlights Your Nail Art and Designs
The main reason for investing in a digital campaign is your desire to entice potential customers to your product. Thus, this should be the focus of your advertisement. Business owners in the nail art and design industry should make sure that the service they are offering is well-represented in the video. Otherwise, if the focus has shifted to something else in the campaign, the advertisement would not be effective.
For example, an editorial that will advertise nail and art design needs to make sure that other elements in the picture or video will not overshadow the designs chosen to represent the brand. The models should not wear clothes or make-up that might distract from the designs. Whether the editorial is a video or a photograph, close-up shots on the nails are more likely to be effective compared to a full-body shot. In this way, the audience and potential customers are drawn toward the main motivation behind the campaign: to encourage them to pay for nail art and design.
2. Your Brand Message Is Clear
With social consumerism on the rise, any brand that wants to succeed needs to have a message or a story. An example of this message is the sense of community. Nail artists can weave a story of a community of people who enjoy having their nails done and go over the top with the designs. Though there may be a trend in nail art, it is still, in a way, niche because it is a matter of preference among a particular consumer base.
In the video or picture editorial, certain props or gestures can be used to reflect a sense of community. Nail art can be depicted as models holding hands, high-five, or even simply displayed in any parallel position to imply similarities among the models regardless of the nail design. There can also be a message of inclusivity by using hand models of different skin tones. This will create a statement that nail art is not just for particular skin types or cultures.
3. Your Aesthetic Is Apparent
If you are involved in a nail art business that specializes in cartoon character-inspired designs, you have to make sure that it is evident in the campaign. Along with a clear brand message, you will want to rightly inform the public regarding the designs you are well-versed in. This will differentiate you from your competitors, inviting customers for that niche to be next in line as a client.
It is important to be upfront about what kind of designs you specialize in. You can be clear by including it in the text of your advertisement or in the company name itself. At a glance, customers have to know what you can offer and why they should be your client instead of other nail art and design businesses.
The clarity of an editorial is arguably more important than having a piece solely intended to display art. Although campaigns can be inspired by art, the main goal is to pique the interest of potential customers about your business. Regardless of your brand message and aesthetic, there will be a market gap for you to fill. But marketing is crucial if you want to be a successful business because it will provide you with customers.