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  • Aug- 2023 -
    17 August

    New Type of Astronomical Object Discovered: Massive Magnetic Helium Stars

    Lead Image: Scientists have discovered a star, HD 45166, which is expected to evolve into a magnetar. This star introduces the new category of massive magnetic helium stars and offers clues to the origins of magnetars, which possess the Universe’s most powerful magnetic fields. New Type of Star Gives Clues to Mysterious Origin of Magnetars Magnetars are the strongest magnets in the Universe. These super-dense dead stars with ultra-strong magnetic fields can be found all over our galaxy but astronomers don’t know exactly how they form. Now, using multiple telescopes around the world, including European Southern Observatory (ESO) facilities, researchers…

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  • 15 August

    Reduced Grey Matter in Specific Brain Areas Linked to Teenage Smoking and Nicotine Addiction

    Lead Image: A study conducted by researchers from UK and Chinese universities analyzed the grey matter levels in the brains of over 800 adolescents. Results showed a correlation between decreased grey matter in specific brain regions and the onset of smoking during teenage years, which may escalate nicotine addiction. These findings could have potential implications for the prevention and treatment of nicotine addiction, as grey matter reduction was also linked with other substance use behaviours. Researchers find a link between reduced grey matter in specific brain areas and the inclination to start smoking during adolescence, potentially escalating nicotine addiction. A…

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  • 13 August

    Webb Space Telescope Delivers Unprecedented Insights Into Jupiter’s Moons

    Lead Image: New discoveries by the James Webb Space Telescope have unveiled secrets about Jupiter’s largest moon, Ganymede, and the most volcanically active one, Io. The findings include evidence of the peroxide being produced by charged particles impacting the ice on Ganymede, and new observations of ongoing eruptions on Io. Credit: Ganymede: Samantha Trumbo, Cornell; Io: Imke de Pater, UC Berkeley Groundbreaking observations by the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed hydrogen peroxide on Ganymede and ongoing volcanic eruptions on Io, enhancing our understanding of Jupiter’s moons and the broader solar system. With its sensitive infrared cameras and high-resolution spectrometer,…

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  • 11 August
    Materials Science

    Ancient Graphite Reveals a Quantum Surprise: Scientists Discover Hofstadter’s Butterfly

    Graphite Butterfly. Researchers have made a significant discovery in graphite, an ancient material. By utilizing van der Waals technology and twistronics, they found new physics in graphite’s structure, particularly a 2.5-dimensional mixing of surface and bulk states. This has led to new insights into controlling electronic properties in 2D and 3D materials. Credit: Prof. Jun Yin (co-author of the paper) Scientists at The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute have discovered new physics in graphite through the application of twistronics, revealing a 2.5-dimensional mixing of surface and bulk states. The research opens new possibilities in controlling electronic properties in both…

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  • 9 August
    Quantum Computing

    A New Era of Superconductivity: How Uranium Ditelluride Could Shape Quantum Computing

    Lead Image: Researchers have discovered a spatially modulating superconducting state in Uranium Ditelluride, a new and unusual superconductor. This discovery could be vital for quantum computing, providing a solution to one of its greatest challenges. (Artist’s concept.) Scientists at University College Cork have uncovered a unique superconducting state in Uranium Ditelluride, which could pave the way for more stable and efficient quantum computers. This groundbreaking discovery offers a potential solution to one of quantum computing’s most significant challenges and represents a substantial step forward in the field. Scientists using one of the world’s most powerful quantum microscopes have made a…

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