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  • Jul- 2019 -
    17 July

    3D Printing and its Uses in the Construction Industry

    3D printing in construction has the potential to revolutionize the industry in the future. 3D printing has found use in all sectors from architecture to engineering, construction to the aerospace sector and even in the healthcare for the replacement of human organs. Many experts consider this technology as the beginning of the so-called fourth industrial revolution because of the wide range of possibilities that its use allows. The question that arises is if 3D printing will be able to replace man-made houses? Will this technique be used to build future homes? How this technology is going to affect our lives?…

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  • Jun- 2019 -
    25 June

    The Future of Marketing Using AR and VR

    In the digital world where consumers are flooded with commercial messages, there’s a constant need for innovative and creative marketing solutions that will set brands apart from their competitors. Luckily, with new technologies come different ways to attract attention and stand out in the crowd. So far, AR and VR have proven to be some of the most disruptive forces in the field of marketing. Here are some of the ways you can use them to supercharge your marketing strategy. Source: Pixabay Don’t leave anything to the imagination The popularity of e-commerce and online shopping is constantly on the rise.…

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  • 13 June

    Key Considerations While Selecting a Managed IT Service Provider

    For SME business leaders, it is important to keep pace with modern IT-related trends, including big data, digital communication, online customer support, and telecommuting. However, in order to do this effectively, IT infrastructure needs to be carefully set up and your IT systems need to be managed appropriately. In many cases, SMEs do not have an in-house IT support team, making it necessary to outsource responsibility for this to a managed service provider (MSP). In this article, we take a more in-depth look at this search process and point out some of the key things to look out for when…

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  • 10 June

    Find out How V2V And V2I Technology In Automobile Industry Will Create Wonder Cars

    Long gone are those days when talking cars were seen in animation films such as ‘Cars.’ With the development of technology you can now see these cars on road, well almost. Automobile giants have come up with cars that can communicate with each other as well as with the road ahead. Though this is at its budding stage, major car manufacturers in the US as well as the US government are now researching seriously on technologies that will enable them to design such cars in a large scale. With the use of these technologies and the ability of the future…

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  • 6 June

    How E-commerce Businesses Can Address Online Consumer Shopping Concerns [Infographic]

    Protecting your site from online threats should be a top priority if you’re an online business owner. As data breaches become more prevalent and hackers find more inventive ways to infiltrate sites and sensitive consumer data, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to secure your website. Why is that? According to a recent study, 56% of consumers claimed they are more concerned about data privacy than they were a year ago, and 67% of respondents in another study claimed they fear it’s only a matter of time before they fall victim to a data breach in…

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