Finally, Google released the Developers Preview of Android N. Google’s future Android OS will come with many new features! But, their will be no design changes this time as Google would like to follow the same material design even with Android N so its nothing so special. But as Google says, Doze will be much improved this time and battery optimisations will be in its levels. That’s it?
Google writes that the team decided it wanted to release the preview earlier in order to get more feedback from developers earlier in the process and get the final N release into the hands of device manufacturers this summer.
As we look to the next release of Android, N, you’ll notice a few big changes aimed at you as developers: it’s earlier than ever, it’s easier to try and we’re expanding the ways for you to give us feedback. We hope these changes will ensure that you are heard and reflected — that’s what makes Android stronger
Like all beta releases Google claims that this beta edition is a work in progress and you should expect a lot of bugs.
Many new changes are talked about but namely the ability to directly reply to notifications and split screen view for both tablets and phones seems to be the major highlight of this update. You will also get PIP (picture in picture ) for video play like you have seen on Samsung Galaxy devices for a while.
Google will also put major focus on improving performance and battery life by improving features like Doze. Google also claims its aim is to help apps become less memory and resource hungry.
The update can be had today if you are running any of the following devices: Google’s Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 and Pixel C devices. Once you’ve updated your device, Google will also continue to push new updates OTA to it as they are released.
While the percentage of people on Marshmallow is still low, Google has already moved forward with Android N, what the final name will be, is still unknown. (leave your possible ideas below)
Down below we have provided the download link of the Android N Dev Preview Beta versions for the Nexuses so don’t forget to check those out. But we highly recommend you to not to install that if its your main device or the only one. Its still in beta mode and anything can happen anytime!
As soon as it got released i heard its also gonna get released for Android One devices(Because they are also google phone).
That’s so awesome!!