Mobile phones have truly evolved from just being devices for calling and texting. In the past, people only use their mobile phones to contact their friends and loved ones. However, with the help of technology’s innovations and breakthroughs, mobile phones have now become smartphones. With a smartphone, one can not only contact their friends via voice calls or text messages but also access the internet as well as do video conferences and calls. Furthermore, smartphones today have become gaming machines that will allow people to play graphics heavy games. Basically, one can say that the potential of smartphones today is virtually limitless.
And when it comes to smartphones, Apple’s iPhone models are undoubtedly at the top of the food chain, the cream of the crop. In fact, according to studies and surveys, Apple at one point had a share of 20% of the globe’s smartphone market with the remaining 80% being shared by at least 20 different smartphone manufacturers. This staggering numbers only proves how popular and how people love the iPhone. They are not just well-built and well-designed but also is equipped with features and functions that make the whole smartphone experience a lot better. However, along with these amazing features and specification and of course, the Apple logo, is a hefty price. One needs to fork out 600-800 dollars just to get their hands on the iPhone. That is why most people opt to get the iPhone via a contract with a smartphone carrier. The only downside to a contracted iPhone is the smartphone being locked, meaning, the user will only be limited to the services and products of the company. Thus, you will not be able to fully enjoy your iPhone as well as be free to use other services and products from other carrier networks.
Fortunately, I have finally discovered how can I get my iphone 6/6s/plus unlocked, and I would be glad to share with you 3 tips that I have tried in order to get my iPhone unlocked.
1. Talk with your carrier
Basically, you can simply get your iPhone unlocked by going to your carrier network and talk with their representative. There are only 2 ways for you to get your carrier to unlock your iPhone for you. First is by finishing up your contract with them, most contracts can last from a year to 2 years, so ask about the remaining time on your contract and see if you can work out a deal with them. The second method that will get the carrier to unlock your iPhone for you is by paying an extra fee or unlocking fee. There are carrier networks that will unlock your iPhones, albeit at an expensive price because it basically means that they will be losing a client that was supposed to be locked with them for a long time.
2. Third-party unlocking services
If you don’t have the money to pay for the unlocking free or just can’t simply wait for the contract to expire then you can try third-party unlocking services. There are technicians that offer unlocking services for a smaller price though the success rate is not 100 percent. So unless you are okay with voiding your warranty or possibly losing your smartphone then this method is not for you.
3. Software unlocking
Last but not the least, if you are a computer savvy and is fond of searching for software and applications through different forums then you might get lucky and find a software that will help you unlock your iPhone for you. In the earlier models of iPhones, the internet was filled with software that allows people to basically unlock their iPhones by using the software. Although, take note that this kind of method will also void your warranty and can also cause internal damage to your iPhone.
To unlock an iphone is very hard for me to be honest, but with this post am gonna work towards it and also open a small business arena to be unlocking it. Thanks once again