Microsoft on its official website “www.microsoft.com” announced the early release of its most important software product Microsoft Windows 11, the operating system loved by a group of users and hated by other groups of users, as you may know Microsoft has a long history in the world of technology.
Becoming what it is today due to the agreement reached in its beginnings with IBM for the sale of personal computers with Microsoft Windows, and obviously charging for a license that determines the conditions that users of this operating system abstain from.
Also, Microsoft hated by many in the world of free software, it cannot be denied that it has a large share of users of its operating system worldwide, and that they are faithful to it for its ease of use, other issues than in the world free is criticized a lot.
Although it cannot be denied that the Microsoft company with a series of software products has created new concepts that did not exist before, and has created many very competitive or pioneering software solutions in different areas, but unfortunately being proprietary and very restrictive, making that all responsibility for the maintenance of the software life cycle rests solely with the company without relying on a community of developers due to its legal restrictions.
As you should know, for a new version of software that comes out on the global market (in terms of proprietary software) or is available for download on its official website.
Information on requirements obtained from:
It refers to the fact that there are 2 types of requirements to be able to install and use Windows 11 on a PC or notebook which are; “Hard floor” and “soft floor” where the following is stated: “Equipment that does not meet the hard floor requirements will not be able to upgrade in any case to Windows 11. Those that do not meet the soft floor requirements but do with the hard floor will be able to upgrade, although they will receive a notice that Microsoft does not recommend it.”
But…. What are the actual hardware requirements? Below are the requirements for “hard floor” and “soft floor”:
Hard floor
- Processor: 1 GHz or higher with 2 or more 64 bit cores.
- Memory: 4 GB RAM.
- Storage: 64 GB or more.
- Firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot.
- TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 1.2.
- Graphics: DirectX 12 / WDDM 2.x.
- Screen: 9 inches with HD resolution.
- Internet: A Microsoft account and Internet connection for setup for Windows 11 Home.
Soft floor
Also, on the official Microsoft website, there is an easy update software tool called “Windows PC Health Check” that automatically checks the above-mentioned requirements and starts the update process.
So far everything has been explained excellent, but the reality is different, users on social networks are complaining that despite meeting the requirements for an update as described in the cited text, the update tool “Windows PC Health Check” shows a message error that your hardware or computer does not meet the requirements for the upgrade to Windows 11, generating dissatisfaction in many of the users who do meet the requirements.
But there are also users on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter who show their dissatisfaction since Microsoft is practically forcing many people to have computers with less than 4 years of antiquity in the market (This in poor countries is not feasible even in rich countries it is also) and not only people companies where their computer equipment is generally more than 4 years old, it would be to make a reinvestment in a crazy upgrade of hardware equipment to be able to install or upgrade to Windows 11.
Although many have found the solution to meet one of the fundamental requirements which is the TPM module by buying this hardware element to be able to meet the necessary requirements to be able to update or install Windows 11, if you do not know what a TPM module is or a TPM board which is connected directly to the computer’s motherboard, you can learn a little about it at the following URL:
Among the new features that Windows 11 has, you can list:
Sandboxing: it may be available in this new version of windows, in fact as a requirement for the use of TPM is that there is an implementation of hardware cryptography and a series of other elements that make up data encryption and privacy protection but on its official website it has not yet been possible to confirm this information and why the use of the TPM module.
Changes in its graphical user interface: it has a radical change in it and in the way of accessing its functionalities.
Integration with Android applications: this took all its users by surprise with the announcement that the support of android applications is allowed in its app store, this can be interpreted that android apps can be run on Windows in a very transparent way, but you have to wait for the opinions of other internet users who are engaged in testing the functions of new apps and operating systems.
General discontent
Discontent due to these requirements on the part of companies and users can generate a wave of migrations to GNU / Linux and other free operating systems (Comment made at personal discretion) due to a non feasibility of investment in new computer equipment to be able to use the software of Microsoft.
This could be another great failure for the company as it happened with Microsoft Windows Vista at the time, it also had excessive hardware requirements for its operation at the time and users and companies chose not to update the version of their operating system, thus generating a situation of losses in terms of the investment made in the development process of said version.
Although Windows 11 offers many improvements that are in line with the user market that handles the restriction in their software requirements, it is generating negative opinions regarding whether it will be possible for users and companies to be able to update to this recent version that is coming to the market.
Does it represent another impulse for many to be attracted to the benefits of free software?
It is very possible that this happens as it has been happening in recent years when the market share has more and more users who begin to use free software and some GNU / Linux distribution as their operating system of choice.
If you are a reader who is reading this article at this moment, it is recommended before using free software to understand some important concepts that you should know about it by visiting the following URL:
Also, take a look at Free Software Foundation’s official website at: