Choosing a hosting service is an important decision for every website. It is necessary to consider all the details such as price, relevant plan, and the type of hosting package. If you would not like to share the server with others, consider checking Hosting Services Lab review to find the necessary information on VPS hosting companies. Different providers offer various features like a control panel or numerous site builder tools. Some web hosting services develop faster than others and become more preferable. In this article, you will find actual information about the best hosting services in 2017. Read and choose the one that is the most suitable for you.
1. 123-reg
123-reg is a fully supported web hosting with a great reputation. The website is Linux based and offers fast loading speed, user-friendly control panel, free UK domain and email address for every package. The price starts from about three pounds per month. A UK data center guarantees the security of information. The unlimited bandwidth is certainly an advantage of the service and allows your website to have a lot of visitors. If there is any difficulty, it will be resolved fast thanks to clockwise work of the support team.
2. Easyspace
This web hosting service started its work in 1997 and had more than eighteen years of experience. There are 10 data centers all over the UK. Choosing Windows or Linux hosting is possible. The service set up is free for all kinds of subscription. The price for the package is about thirty pounds per year. With a subscription, you will get 3 GB space, free domain name, free credits from Mailing Managers, free advertising vouchers from Google AdWords, and other bonuses. The multiple payment options make it convenient to purchase the package. The support is available both by phone and online.
3. Heart Internet
Heart Internet is a reliable and award winning web hosting service based in the UK. Free and fast support is promised the whole year. Although the owners of the company are German, the data centers are located in the UK. You may choose different packages that provide with ample space, bandwidth, and email. This type of web hosting website is perfect for beginners. It offers a Starter Pro subscription for about three pounds per month. The main feature of Heart Internet is a control panel that allows you to moderate your website from a smartphone.
4. GoDaddy
GoDaddy is a top-rated web hosting service based in the US. It has millions of domain names and is known to be the largest website for domain registration. The subscriptions cost a little more than on hosting services mentioned before. The price for the package is starting from about five pounds per month. The package offers Windows and Linux based servers, excellent customer service, and a lot of features for website building. Unlimited storage and bandwidth are also provided. The main advantage of GoDaddy is a possibility to enlarge hosting capacity when the traffic increases suddenly.
5. Planet Hippo
Despite having a hippopotamus on a logo, Planet Hippo is not very big web hosting service in comparison to the other ones in this list. The prices for the packages are also lower, and you can get a package only for one pound per month. It is possible to pay only three pounds per month for cPanel Unlimited and enjoy the service without limits. A free domain package is included in the package. Customer support is based in the UK and is available any time of the day and night but not via phone.